Thursday, February 21, 2008

Time Flies...

I just realized nearly a month has passed since the last post. I don't know where the time goes. Winter is still with us. We had a few "teaser" days of sunshine and weather in the 50's but that disappeared quickly. Last night, we were treated to a great view of the lunar eclipse. The fog and clouds didn't roll in until late and we were able to see the entire evolution.

There are new pictures of the cabin construction process on Northwind's website. The carpet and vinyl are down and we are waiting for appliances to be delivered in March and Winter to back off before any painting or decks are completed.

The adoption for our little girl is still "in the process". It's amazing how the kids can linger with us for years in foster care but the moment we say we'd like to make it permanent, the red-tape seems to increase ten-fold and the process slows to a sloth-like pace.

I hope to have some new pictures soon. We took Baby Girl to see her grandparents in Florida and escaped to Disney World for a few days. We also enjoyed driving through the Everglades and seeing quite a few alligators and amazing birds.

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