Thursday, November 22, 2007


It's unbelieveable that it's already this time of year. The turkey's been cooked, eaten and ready to be turned into soup. The kids are working on their third 4-day weekend in a row. We've had some freezing temperatures and I think the yellow jackets are finally hibernating, thank goodness. We had a nice holiday with Mom and Dad over for the day and just hung out at the house. Now comes the psycho time of the year for Michelle at work and even more time off from school for the kids. Our oldest one has joined a local wrestling club and some of the younger ones will start to participate during the second season after the new year begins. We have several court dates and review boards coming up on some of the kids so it's possible our population here may shift around the end of the year. Three of the boys are available for adoption and one is moving to a permanent placement with a relative in another state. There's always a good chance that as they move on, more will come. We'll have to wait and see. We hope everyone enjoyed their holidays.

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