Friday, December 14, 2007

Holidays Are Coming...

We have been trying to get ready for the holidays. The kids are getting antsy which translates into general chaos at times. As of yesterday, we are down to six kids with one of the boys leaving for a permanent placement in the guardianship of his uncle. Hopefully, we will be able to maintain some kind of sporadic contact with him so we know how it is working out in his new home. Winter vacation from school will start on Wednesday, the 19th and with that comes an intense effort to thwart cabin fever. One boy will have a birthday on the 18th and another will have his birthday January 2nd so it is a rather busy and expensive time! Tomorrow is tree-getting day. Hopefully, the weather will be mellow enough for us to go to a local farm, ride a draft horse-drawn cart out to the tree-cutting area and pick out our tree. The place we like to go has hot chocolate and candy canes for the kids and the boys are looking forward to going. We will have to experiment with decorating the tree. Between the puppy, the cats and a crafty two year-old, I'm sure some 'rearranging' will occur. We will try to get some pictures up soon.

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