Monday, December 3, 2007

Stormy Weather

Mother Nature has been wreaking havoc on us the past two days. Pouring rain and strong winds knocked down trees and power lines all over. Luckily, we did not lose power this time. Mom and Dad have delayed their trip south until things calm down. We border the Long Tom River and it rose 11 feet in the past 36 hours. Unfortunately, the builders of our house did some interesting landscaping that is less than functional in our rainy environment. A small lake develops in the front yard during heavy rain and likes to keep growing until it encompasses the sidewalk and tries to flood the garage and the front porch. I spent about two hours today out in the nasty weather digging more trenches in the driveway and front yard to convince the water to flow away and building a makeshift dam out of gravel to keep water out of the garage. It looks like some new french drains are in our future. For some reason, when this house was built, the foundation was set about 3 feet lower in elevation than the drainage ditches out by the road. As we all know, water does not flow uphill.

Things are moving along with our hopeful adoption of one of our kids. Nothing is set in stone but we are hoping there are no major roadblocks in the near future. We'll keep everyone posted.

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